With the rise of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) tools such as Claude, ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Google Gemini (formerly known as Bard), and services, many in our University Community are eager to explore their use in academic and research settings. While Gen AI tools offer new and powerful capabilities, they also introduce potential risks to the institutional data that 在线博彩 is legally and ethically obligated to protect.

Entering data into most Generative AI tools is akin to posting data on a public platform. These Gen AI tools are designed to collect and store user input as part of their learning process, meaning that any data entered could be used as training data and potentially shared with others beyond the university. Consequently, entering institutional data into Gen AI tools may pose risks to the university and individuals.

This advisory, issued jointly by the Office of Legal Affairs and the Information Technology Services (ITS), provides guidance on the safe and responsible use of Gen AI tools, ensuring the protection of institutional, personal, and proprietary information. Further guidance may be issued as new developments arise.

Acceptable Use:

Use of Gen AI by 在线博彩 faculty, staff, students, and affiliates is subject to 在线博彩 and University System of Georgia policies.

Unless otherwise prohibited, university faculty, staff, students, and affiliates may enter institutional data into Generative AI tools or services when:

  • Data is classified as public or low risk - having no requirement for confidentiality, integrity, or availability of data that could result in minimal impact to individuals, mission, assets, or the operations of 在线博彩 System.
  • In all cases, use should be consistent with 在线博彩 Associated Procedures (在线博彩 PL 5002, Data Access Control and 在线博彩 PL 5001, Acceptable Use for Computers and Network).

Prohibited Use:

  • FERPA-protected student records, health information, proprietary data, and other Confidential or Controlled university data must not be used with Gen AI Tools UNLESS a university contract is in place that specifically protects such university data from being used by training models or otherwise isolates university data into a separate instance that is not accessible by parties external to the university.
  • Faculty are NOT to upload, feed, or share student coursework into any Gen AI tools or platforms.
  • Gen AI Tools must not be used to generate non-public content, such as proprietary or unpublished research, legal analysis or advice, decisions related to recruitment, personnel, or disciplinary matters, completing academic work in a way not permitted by the instructor, creating non-public instructional materials, and grading.

    Note OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, explicitly prohibits using its products for illegal or fraudulent activities. Their usage policy outlines these restrictions.
  • Using AI-generated code for institutional IT systems or services without testing in a non-production environment and human review to verify the absence of malicious elements.
  • Using Gen AI Tools for any actions that violate laws; University System of Georgia (USG) or University of West Georgia (在线博彩) policies, rules or guidelines; or agreements or contracts.

Rationale for the Above Guidance:

In addition to violating institutional policies, some of the above uses may violate Generative AI providers’ policies and terms.

  • No 在线博彩 Agreement, No Privacy and Security Terms: All content entered into or generated by ChatGPT is accessible to its parent company, OpenAI, and their employees. Currently, there is no agreement between 在线博彩 and OpenAI, Microsoft, or other Gen AI Tools that ensures the data security and privacy protections mandated by 在线博彩 policy. As a result, using ChatGPT or similar Gen AI Tools at this time may risk the loss and/or abuse of sensitive data and information.
  • Personal Liability: ChatGPT and other Gen AI tools use click-through agreements, which are legally binding contracts. Individuals who accept these agreements without delegated signature authority may be personally liable for adhering to the terms and conditions.

Trustworthy AI:

For uses of Generative AI that are not prohibited, 在线博彩 faculty, staff, students, and affiliates can help protect themselves and others by choosing tools and services that exhibit the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) characteristics of trustworthy AI.

Disclaimer: Webpage content may be updated periodically to reflect advancements in technology and other developments.

Guidance on Appropriate Use

For questions regarding the appropriate use of AI Tools, contact any of the following:

Records Management Services
(678) 839-4763

Information Technology Services 
(678) 839-6587

or Office of the Vice President over the respective unit/area.